Nutrition and health coaching

Menopause is a complicated and multi-faceted part of aging for women. What we experience is analogous making it difficult to utilize another woman’s path through menopause. To say one or two things are responsible for symptoms is just someone’s way of making them sound like an expert in Menopause. The truth is we can not and should not make these claims. We are all going to need different things.


My approach to help women is realistic, open minded and supportive. I won’t lie to you and say I have a magic solution or some magic supplement. I help you understand what you are dealing with, how to move through it and how to age well. Menopause is a very under supported change in a woman’s physiology. Very little research has been done and what has been done is showing the complexities of it all. It is showing that each symptom can involve many different systems in the body.

My goal to help you through this time of life is not to cure you or give you treatment. Menopause is not a disease. Instead I want you to understand what you need to do as you age to help mitigate the signs of aging which also involves menopause for women. Whether you take HRT or choose not to, your goal should always be to keep supporting your health. The idea that a “treatment” for Menopause will be enough is short sited and leaves you vulnerable to health risks.

Nutrition Counselling and Health Coaching is a great way to get started on your journey towards better health, especially as we head into this new phase of life as we age. How I support clients, offers a well-rounded approach that enables women to feel their best as they age.


The Longevity app

An app that supports healthy aging with exercise, lifestyle habits and healthy eating. Exercise is incredibly important as we age. It is like a fountain of youth that allows us to feel better in our bodies and ensure better quality of life as we age.

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